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Worked as a clinical research assistant & medical writer at St. Vincent's Hospital in Greenwich Village, NY, attending & presenting at medical conferences all over the world, from 1990 until it closed.
In 2009, enrolled in fulltime study of what at the time was called Oriental Medicine— two years in Los Angeles (link to followed by three years in NYC. The entire program requires 3 1/2 to 4 years. NY license (link) was awarded in June of 2014.
From 2018 to 2020, coursework with the IFM to become a practitioner of functional medicine, a systems biology–based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease, with a focus on nutrition & gut health. (see IFM link, "What Is Functional Medicine?)
Link to IFM profile (the Institute for Functional Medicine)
Link to A4M (the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine)
Link to IMMH (Integrative Medicine for Mental Health)
( link to peer-reviewed publications)
In addition to acupuncture home service, I offer phone, video and in-home consults, including East Asian herbal medicine consults. I am licensed in NY, NJ and PA.